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Covid-19 hits education…how to FIGHT BACK

Coronavirus HITS education!

Coronavirus hit education like a freight train. Schools suddenly closed and all of a sudden teachers are trying to figure out how to teach an online course for the first time. Forget about just the teaching…what about grading? Group projects? Finals? How about the psychologically being in a learning environment rather than the comfort of your own home. Not only that, standardized testing to get into college, something that many students spend years planning for, is all of a sudden cancelled. Does it even feel like grades matter anymore? Spring semester, perhaps the most significant of the school year, has been wiped out over night. Apparently over 1000 colleges in the United States are now making the SAT optional…what is happening?!


Yes, these are concerns, and for many, reason to panic. The requirement to adapt so quickly to an unexpected challenge leaves many all but ready to give up and accept the new normal. Education standards may have seemed to drop off for the rest of the school year and many colleges may have altered their admissions standard, but that does not mean YOU need to change your standards. While your peers may seem to be adapting to a lower bar, you must choose not to participate in this adaptation.

GET AHEAD…Find Opportunity During Coronavirus

Life doesn’t stop during coronavirus, so why should you? Were you planning to take the cancelled June SAT? This is merely a puzzle piece that must be switched to fall. What happens in fall? Writing college essays! That’s something that the Coronavirus cannot cancel, so start writing them now and allow yourself extra space in fall to prepare the SATs. After all, the College Board is rumored to be planning extra testing dates in the fall…allowing students extra attempts at the SAT with time to apply to college early. Don’t want to push off SAT prep? Then don’t! This is a great opportunity to master the SAT for fall. Who cares if the SAT is optional? If you are a competitive applicant the SAT is not optional; you will be taking it regardless.